February 13, 2025

Argyle Sweater Contest – Win FREE stuff!

Win an Argyle Sweater Bubbles calendar - and an original Argyle Sweater panel!The first 250 (yes, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY) people to tweet a picture of themselves wearing an argyle sweater will receive a free Argyle Sweater Bubbles Calendar. Not sure what a Bubbles calendar is? Go here and click on The Argyle Sweater link for preview:http://bubblescalendars.com/catalog Also, the FIRST person to tweet their photo will receive an original Argyle Sweater panel!For more information on the contest go … [Read more...]

In the immortal words of Etta James,At last. The Argyle Sweater 2nd edition book collection has come along.Your lonely days are over.Life is like a song.Seriously, The Argyle Sweater's 2nd edition book collection, 50% Wool, 50% Asinine, is now available for pre-order at the usual places: Borders, Amazon, Books-A-Million, etc but right now it appears that Barnes and Noble has an unbeatable pre-order price of $8.76!Not sure how long it will be available at that price but get it while it lasts! … [Read more...]

Notes Here and There

Okay, in my last post, I suggested purchasing The Argyle Sweater desk calendars at various online (and brick-and-mortar) locations. It has since been brought to my attention that the desk calendars have already sold out online at Borders, Books-a-Million and Amazon.comIt is my understanding, however, that Calendars.com still has desk calendars available to purchase online. And although, it may be too late for Christmas, my publisher has informed me that they have found a few more units which … [Read more...]

‘Tis the Season

Ho, ho, hoe - It's gift-giving time again - and what better way to show your loved ones that you care than with something from The Argyle Sweater?I mean, diamonds might be forever, but an Argyle Sweater calendar lasts ALL YEAR LONG. Okay, maybe that's not such a good comparison - but Argyle Sweater calendars will make you laugh AND tell you what day it is!Let's see your diamonds do that!Argyle Sweater desk and wall calendars make great stocking stuffers and can be found at Borders, Barnes and … [Read more...]

Comic Strip Superstar

For those unaware, Amazon.com and Universal Uclick have sponsored a contest to find the next Comic Strip Superstar (that's the name of the contest). Back in September Universal accepted thousands of submissions from writers, artists and cartoonists all over the world for entry into the contest. The grand prize winner receives a book publishing contract (including a generous advance) and is considered for a newspaper syndication contract as well. The first round was narrowed down to 250 … [Read more...]

Better Than the Mayan Calendar…

Yep. They're available now - the 2010 Argyle Sweater Calendars! That's right, I said calendarS with an "S". Plural. Meaning more than one! It's a great gift for yourself and also makes a great stocking stuffer or birthday present. There's the desk calendar with 313 full color pages of daily panels.on the back of each page is something extra - trivia, puzzles, etc. and it's available online or in stores at Borders, Barnes and Noble, Calendar Club and Amazon. OR if you prefer, there's the … [Read more...]

Regrets, I’ve Got a few

I get a lot of e-mails – probably 98 percent of it positive. But once in a while, I do get complaints from people who’ve taken offense to a particular panel I’ve drawn. Sometimes I feel like they may have misinterpreted my comic’s intent. Other times I feel like they understood its intent perfectly but may just be too easily offended. And still other times after reading a reader’s e-mail and then re-reading my comic, I agree that I might have crossed the line. Today is the first … [Read more...]

Tragedy in Chicago

Okay, maybe it's not quite tragic for everyone, but it is for me. I've just been informed by my syndicate that The Chicago Tribune has made some changes -some tragic changes.Apparently, the Trib has changed their comics format - essentially down-sizing it and cut 5 of it's newest comics in the process. A lot of newspapers, when cutting costs, cut comics. And when newspapers cut comics, it's often the newest comics that get cut.I suspect the logic is that the newest comics will have the fewest … [Read more...]

Get out the champagne and confetti!

Although The Argyle Sweater has been around on-line since September of 2006, it hasn't been in print for quite as long. In fact, today marks the one year anniversary of The Argyle Sweater's print syndication.One year down - 25 more to go. Wish me luck.By the way, I'm celebrating by doing my taxes today. Feel free to join in. … [Read more...]

No, It’s Not an Autobiography, but…

the first Argyle Sweater Book is here (actually, I think it's available for pre-order - but it'll be here in March). xNow, I know what you're thinking...Why read the book? Why not just wait for the movie?To answer your questions,A. we all know that the movie is never as good as the book and B. There is no movie. Anyhow, next month you can walk (don't run - there's plenty for everyone) into your Barnes and Noble or your Borders bookstore and purchase your very own copy. OR you can pre-order it … [Read more...]