February 13, 2025

Argyle Sweater – The Calendar!

Borders has secured the calendar rights to sell The Argyle Sweater 2009 Calendar!Read more about in the official press release from Universal Press Syndicate! … [Read more...]

Journey Into Syndication (Final Post)

Developing on GoComics allowed me to increase my readership while also continuing to improve (depending on who you ask) my comic. And it really helped me get used to a 7 day a week schedule. But most importantly, it gave me a little over a year’s worth of comics to pull from for future projects.Now, I don’t know how the typical development period goes – but for me, it was more or less a waiting game. While there’s always room for improvement – for the most part, my editors seemed … [Read more...]

Journey into Syndication Pt. 2

Like I said, as of December 1st 2006, I became a professional cartoonist (and yes, I use that term rather loosely). It was a fairly easy transition. I had already gotten used to meeting self-imposed deadlines while I was on Comics Sherpa and I had a backlog of ideas to write and draw from. The only real change was that I would now be drawing 7 days a week instead of the 5 I had grown accustomed to on Sherpa (and let me tell you, there’s a BIG difference between the two).Anyhow, I had been … [Read more...]

Journey into Syndication (the abbreviated version)

Okay, like I said, it’s official. The Argyle Sweater is being syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate and launches into newspapers on April 7th. It has so far, been picked up by the L.A. Times, The Washington Post, The Seattle Times, The Oregonian and The Calgary Herald just to name a few.Since it’s been announced, I’ve gotten lots of supportive and inquisitive e-mails from friends, readers and other cartoonists (professional and amateur alike). One of the recurring questions seem to … [Read more...]