February 13, 2025

The Envelope Please…

Of the thousands of entries in the Argyle Sweater Caption Contest, a winner has been selected! Before announcing the top 6 along with the winner, I'd like to thank everyone who entered. There were tons of great captions and it was incredibly difficult to pick just one. I realize that no one caption will satisfy everyone there will never be a consensus on which caption is best or funniest because, as we've all know, humor is subjective. However, I think the winning caption has three … [Read more...]


My apologies to those of you who've e-mailed about the 2011 box calendar. My publisher has confirmed that they've sold out online at Barnes and Noble, Borders and until recently, Amazon.com. They're trying to replenish the Barnes and Noble and Borders stock as quickly as possible but in the meantime, you can still get them at Calendars.com and, at least for now, Amazon.com Get 'em while supplies last! … [Read more...]

If you’re funny and you know it, clap your hands!

  If you've ever wanted to be a cartoonist for a day, here's your chance! Come up with an original caption for today's cartoon 12/13 and submit it here: www.argylecaptioncontest.com   The winner will receive the original cartoon with your caption and the top six entries will get a signed copy of the new Argyle Sweater treasury, Tastes Like Chicken!   All entries must be received at www.argylecaptioncontest.com by Sunday 12/19   Good luck!     … [Read more...]

Tastes Like Chicken

The latest Argyle Sweater book collection is now available! Tastes Like Chicken is a treasury of Argyle Sweater comics that contains various comics created from 2006 - 2009. That's right - nearly 250 pages of Argyle Sweater goodness just waiting for you to enjoy.As a bonus, some of the comics have commentary from yours truly offering insight, explanations, opinions and observations from the creator's perspective.A great addition for the Argyle Sweater enthusiast's library as well as a fantastic … [Read more...]