May 6, 2024

Notes Here and There

Okay, in my last post, I suggested purchasing The Argyle Sweater desk calendars at various online (and brick-and-mortar) locations. It has since been brought to my attention that the desk calendars have already sold out online at Borders, Books-a-Million and

It is my understanding, however, that still has desk calendars available to purchase online. And although, it may be too late for Christmas, my publisher has informed me that they have found a few more units which will be available for purchase at Amazon early next week. I’m not sure how long they’ll last, so order soon!

Also, I recently participated in a fun and lively roundtable discussion at Tall Tale Radio with the silver-tongued Tom Racine, comic genius Mike Witmer and the talented and hilarious Scott Metzger. I “grew up” with those guys over at Comics Sherpa and had a blast catching up with them again. Click here to listen.

Also, The Argyle Sweater’s 2nd book collection will be available soon. More on that in my next post. The first book is still available and, at least for now, is at the best price I’ve seen all year. HERE.


  1. mand says:

    A good laugh searching Amazon etc for 'Argyle Sweater' and getting knitting books… ;0)

  2. Anonymous says:

    I was unfamiliar with "The Argyle Sweater" until my wife purchased the desk calendar. You are in the unenviable blessing/curse position. We loved Gary Larson's work and that gap needed to be filled. Thank you for taking up that yoke. Wait. Does the yoke fill the gap? Or do you use the yoke to get to the gap. Well, I'll leave it to the professional cartoonists to figure out mixed metaphors.

    I am going to be contacting the editor of our newspaper.

    Thanks again!


  3. mand says:

    gp, you are just yoking, aren't you?

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