February 13, 2025

Throw-away Thursdays

New year, new leaf to turn over.  In an effort to post here and on my Facebook page a little more, I’m introducing “Throw-away Thursdays”.  Each Thursday, I plan to pull back the curtain just a bit and give you guys an opportunity to see some of The Argyle Sweater cartoons that were rejected – along with a brief explanation (or apology).  Some weeks it may be a completed/fully inked panel that was pulled at the last moment, while other weeks it may just be a rough version that never made it to production (and let me warn you, my roughs are very rough).  This will only be once a week (and I reserve the right to skip a week if my schedule gets too busy) and I may only do it for a few months – but if there’s enough interest, I may put together a full book of the ones I post here plus a hundred or so more that don’t get posted.  Let me know what you think.

I think this one was pulled at the last minute because they payoff wasn’t worth the risk of upsetting readers by making them think of the word, “tit”.



  1. Bob Rittick says:

    Colder than a witch’s mammogram.

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