February 13, 2025

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Calendar Season

Want to see your dad cry tears of joy?  Want to hear your mom exclaim, “This is better than jewelry!  I don’t deserve such wonderful offspring!”  Want to make your wife squeal with the kind of sheer ecstasy that usually only occurs while you’re away on business trips?*

I know what you’re thinking…  How, Scott??  What could possibly guarantee such joy to the people I care about most??

Well, fasten your suspenders because here’s the answer:

Argyle Sweater Calendars.  They’re magical.  They make people happy.  Don’t take my word for it.  Give one as a gift and see for yourself.

*results may vary

2013 desk calendar

2013 wall calendar

2013 weekly planner

2013 slimline calendar



















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