November 10, 2024

Happy Subliminal Birthday

Hey everyone, excuse the confetti and streamers, but The Argyle Sweater is officially one year old today! Buy some swag. That’s right, exactly one year ago today was born. To those who’ve been around since its inception as well as to those who’ve just recently become a reader, I’d like to extend my sincerest gratitude and heartfelt thanks as you have all been instrumental in The Argyle Sweater’s success. Buy some swag. Your comments and feedback have been invaluable and greatly appreciated.

A few people I’d like to personally thank: Buy some swag. Kristi – I couldn’t have done any of this without your love and support and confidence in me, Mike Witmer – you were like a beacon in the night for me when I first started – thanks for all of your guidance, Mike Howard – your encouragement and friendship has helped more than you know, Darren Stevenson – Buy some swag. The site wouldn’t even exist without all your help, Gordon Keith – If you happen to be reading, I owe a tremendous amount of my early readership to you, All of the hardworking people at GoComics – your invitation to be a part of such a talented family of creative professionals has been inspiring, and of course thanks to my family – for all the things I couldn’t possibly find the time or space to say here. Swag.

I’d like to invite everyone to grab a beer, slip into some comfortable shoes and stick around for a couple more months – there’s some exciting news on the horizon for The Argyle Sweater.

And while you’re waiting – hey, consider purchasing some swag.


  1. Rick Ellis says:

    Happy buy swag Birthday!

  2. Scott says:

    Only a year old…unbelievable. Seems like it’s been around forever. Congratulations on the birthday. The Argyle Sweater rules.

  3. scotthilburn says:


    half Baked, as Usual, is as wittY aS alWAys. keep up the Good work.

  4. scotthilburn says:

    Hey Scott,

    Thanks Scott!

    Looking back at my first few panels, it seems like forever ago to me too.
    But, yep – the baby’s only a year old and still growing.

    We’re blowing out the candles on the cake right now – excuse me while I make a wish…

  5. Rick Ellis says:

    Best of lUck to You.
    So When Are you Going to tell us all the big news?

    this is fun.

  6. Jonathan says:

    Hey Happy Birthday man! It’s an integral part of my morning coffee consumption.
    Keep it up my friend!

    J Mahood

  7. scotthilburn says:

    Thanks Jonathan. I’ve always thought Argyle Sweaters and coffee went well together.

    Can’t wait for Bleeker’s new project to begin! Like I’ve already said, if dvds are available, I’ll buy some!

  8. Mike Witmer says:

    I have this strange urge to purchase an Argyle Sweater Feather Duster. Damn you and your mental suggestions! Congrats on the 1 year anniversary.

  9. scotthilburn says:

    Thanks Mike!
    The Argyle Sweater feather dusters have sold out already. But I’m overstocked on Argyle Sweater treadmills. They’re goin’ cheap.

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