May 3, 2024

If you’re funny and you know it, clap your hands!


If you’ve ever wanted to be a cartoonist for a day, here’s your chance! Come up with an original caption for today’s cartoon 12/13 and submit it here:


The winner will receive the original cartoon with your caption and the top six entries will get a signed copy of the new Argyle Sweater treasury, Tastes Like Chicken!


All entries must be received at by Sunday 12/19


Good luck!




  1. delores says:

    Tried to utilize your website to write a caption, but was not successful; therefore, here's my

    "So does this mean we look for an emaciated burglar or an obese one."

  2. scotthilburn says:

    Delores, the link to the caption contest website should now be active.

  3. Ken says:

    They'd never forget the term "mouse-ellaneous" again!

  4. Jane says:

    Well, Sarge, we now know that the cat did not "eat" the canary.

  5. swampdonkey says:

    you're doing time,the DEA thinks catnip is a gateway drug.

  6. Denise says:

    "Officer Kelly"? "I think the missing mousse may have been taken by a cat burglar".

  7. jimbo says:

    They finally found where the cat hid the gotcha tongues.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Jerry,Obviously you misunderstood the Chief on what kind of "raid" we were called here for.

  9. youngsgap says:

    Before submitting captions I have 2 questions:

    -Can you enter as many captions as you want?

    -The current cartoon (Police at fridge)does not seem to be drawn where either officer is speaking. Am I correct in this assumption, and that you are looking for a caption not based on one of the characters speaking?

  10. scotthilburn says:

    Hi youngsgap,

    I'm not sure how many times you can enter, but I think the submission rules can be found at the website I listed in my blog entry.

    Also, it's been intentionally left up to the reader to decide if they'd like to have a charcter speaking or if they prefer to write it as a commentary.

    Again, all entries must be submitted at:

  11. lufrank says:

    "Right, Sarge . . . It's the Vet who neutered him!

  12. says:

    CatwalkerSmith said…

    "I believe we must think like a cat!"

  13. Erik says:

    The gruesome discovery of mice cube trays in the freezer narrowed our suspect list down considerably.

  14. Steve and Pam Enns says:

    Mr. Hilburn, my wife and I have been enjoying The Argyle Sweater for some time. I am sure people have asked you in the past whether you were influenced by Gary Larson and his Far Side cartoons. My wife and I still have all his collections somewhere in the house and used to cuddle up in bed when we were younger reading those books and laugh on into the night. You have quite a talent that we agree is very "Larsonesque." How can we be sure that Scott Hillburn is not just a pen name? Sincerely,
    old Far Side and newer Argyle Sweater Fans…Steve and Pam

  15. Canadaboy says:

    What was the winning caption?

  16. jeffdrx says:

    officer O'Malley would be haunted for the rest of his days by the large and varied amount of mouse innards staring out at him.

  17. Chicagoland Danes says:

    When will the winner be announced? I love this comic strip. I have had the desk calendar for 3 years now and read it daily in the paper too. Nice work!

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